How to add a photo to your entry and the gallery Red arrow: mandatory actionYellow arrow: recommended actionGreen arrow: optional action To request a PIN, find your entry in the “Dolls’ Marriage Registry”. Enter the e-mail address associated with your license and click the button. You’ll receive an e-mail. Click the link “WEDDING PHOTO”. Select your image, do the confirmations and click the “Send” button… …after you have have followed our instructions. If your photo is recognized and meets the technical requirements, it will be displayed here… …and you will receive confirmation that your photo will be reviewed before publishing. Once published, you will again receive confirmation. Your photo will replace the rings and also appear in the “Bridal Gallery”. Please also refer to “M3” under “Marriage” at the Rules & Regulations. ← How to get a wedding certificateFrequently Asked QuestionsHow to change your e-mail address, settings, etc. →